People Places and thoughts

Little Irritations Lead Me To WordPress

You know this is not how I was going to start this blog.  I already started one at  HOWEVER, when I tried to log back in I could not get in.  You know why, it belongs to google.  If you have more than one google account it changes your passwords on all your google accounts. I don’t like google for that very reason.  I know they have the market on everything, but hey that’s life. So I won’t even try again to find the blog.  I like word press anyway.  I used it when I worked. Now I am retired.

I just wanted to start a little blog to express ideas and thoughts.  I know someone out there in world of internet might have their interest peaked.  Who knows.  I don’t have much to write about today.  I had a nice start on the one I wrote the other day.  Now can’t find it.  It will be lost to the universe.   Oh well.  I hope my humor finds it’s way into each post.  We will see.  Sometimes I can be funny.  But this is just the beginning so we will have to see.

On a brighter note, what a gorgeous day we have in Arizona, well actually yesterday and today.  Rain, not our regular dry hot October, but a beautiful mild gentle rain, not like our monsoons, but just light and lovely.  Not that our monsoons are not loved!  They are spectacular.  Now the sky has cleared and I fear we will return to our hotter month.  Hopefully not.

The world is a changing place and for centuries, the weather and the shape of continents has continually changed. Yes it has taken thousands of years, but it happens.  Look at England 8 to 10 thousand years ago, around the ice age it was part of Europe.  So lets not panic about everything that happens on this earth today.  Look outside and be grateful for the view you have.  If it is a view of a brick wall, well then, all I can say is get up and go outside and look up.  You might be surprised at what you see.  But then you must be willing to see.


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